I take an unconventional approach to business mentoring, but before I tell you more about that, here is a snapshot of my business history. Since 1995, I've pioneered four unique Australian companies with cradle-to-grave supply chains, including the design and unique packaging of 33 organic baby products worldwide and sold all four businesses. My inventions include https://www.hugabub.com/ with my friend Suzanne, we invented this revolutionary baby carrier in 1998. We created one of the world's first organic baby stores, https://www.natureschild.com.au/ which I ran for 18 years. I've weathered the critics when I put nature at the centre of growth and stayed true to my values on sustainability and regeneration, demonstrating that nature-focused solutions are good business as well as good for nature, humans, flora and fauna.
Read my business story here.
Fast forward to 2019 and I am now sought after as a business consultant. Call me a strategist, a coach, mentor, teacher, intuitive or listener, I don't mind. I am all of these in service to you. My unique style of pragmatism, intuition and bottomless belief in your potential is what will matter when we begin to work together. Using decades of business experience, combined with regenerative thinking, I can either share my regenerative frameworks to revamp your purpose or meet you where you need to be met. With the vision backed by simple systems, I'd love to support any change, innovation, and income you seek.
I will champion your impossible dreams whether it's a one-off session of a deep dive full year of personal support on retainer with regular sessions. You will always get the best of me in service to you and your ideas.
I love my work, and I tend to love my clients as we build a relationship and grow together to make our world a better place.
I don't know many people who offer the unique combination of coach and mentor. This means my business acumen comes out when advice and decisions are needed. My coach comes out when your journey needs support.
Find all the ways we can connect here, including booking a chat to get to know each other, which is the best first step.
I have lived in the UK since 2019.
✶ Keep scrolling to learn all the ways we can work together and understand some pricing models for this vital support work ✶
From this fundamental and simple idea, I can help you see new possibilities from a new direction in your business.
Scroll to the bottom to find links to my group support for early-stage and established business owners.
Interested in deep regeneration of yourself and our planet? This is my specialty, Let's Talk.
Need a bespoke service just for your needs? Let's Talk.
When overwhelm is present.
When courage is absent.
I listen to you.
I see your highest potential.
I am your wise companion.
Sometimes I will coach you.
Sometimes I will challenge you.
Sometimes I’m teaching and mentoring you.
But what I do is help you see new possibilities from a different direction.
That’s hard to do for you when you are running a busy operation.
We reframe and redesign what you already have so it’s lighter on your life and your global footprint.
Let’s have that cuppa soon. https://janninebarron.as.me/schedule.php
TEDX TALK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFywJfkvnvg
Self Awareness and Leadership
PODCASTS 2022-23
Sustainability and Regeneration
Listening to Trees
Eco Business Mentoring